The clear leader in advising on mergers and advising companies targeted by government probes.
Expert, user-friendly advice
We provide independent expert advice on the highest profile cases covering all aspects of competition policy. Our experience covers over 3,000 cases across 120 jurisdictions. Our multi-lingual teams can work in 30 languages. We are leading advisors on the largest European cases. We have advised the merging parties on over one-third of EU Phase II mergers in the last 5 years.

Unequalled proficiency in all aspects of competition law and associated litigation
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- 28/03/2025 Industrial policy, competition and efficiency
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- 25/03/2025 Restriction of competition by object
- 18/03/2025 Private enforcement: regulatory and judicial developments across Europe
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- Flight of fantasy? The European Commission’s Booking/Etraveli prohibition